derpopo Neuling
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4Taler : 8Enthaltene Lobe : 0Anmeldedatum : 06.11.10 Thema: [REL]Uber r61 client files Sa Nov 06, 2010 8:54 pm 1. Geht in euren xampp Ordner und dann in htdocs. Öffnet nun client.php mit einem Texteditor.Löscht alles und fügt das im Spoiler ein:
Spoiler: Code: <?php /*======================================================================= | UberCMS - Advanced Website and Content Management System for uberEmu | ####################################################################### | Copyright (c) 2010, Roy 'Meth0d' and updates by Matthew 'MDK' | & | ####################################################################### | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | (at your option) any later version. | ####################################################################### | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | GNU General Public License for more details. \======================================================================*/ define('HIDE_FEEDBACK', true); require_once "global.php"; require_once "inc/class.rooms.php"; if (!LOGGED_IN) { header("Location: " . WWW. "/login_popup"); exit; } $forwardType = 0; $forwardId = 0; if ($users->getUserVar(USER_ID, 'newbie_status') == "0") { if (isset($_GET['createRoom']) && is_numeric($_GET['createRoom'])) { $roomId = RoomManager::CreateRoom(USER_NAME . "'s room", USER_NAME, 'model_s'); switch (intval($_GET['createRoom'])) { default: case 0: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '1701', '601'); break; case 1: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '607', '111'); break; case 2: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '1901', '301'); break; case 3: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '1801', '110'); break; case 4: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '503', '104'); break; case 5: RoomManager::PaintRoom($roomId, '804', '107'); break; } //die('createRoom Result: ' . $roomId); dbquery("UPDATE users SET home_room = '" . $roomId . "', newbie_status = '1' WHERE id = '" . USER_ID . "' LIMIT 1"); //$forwardType = 2; //$forwardId = $roomId; } else { header("Location: " . WWW . "/client?createRoom=" . rand(0, 5)); exit; } } else if (isset($_GET['forwardType']) && isset($_GET['forwardId']) && is_numeric($_GET['forwardType']) && is_numeric($_GET['forwardId'])) { $forwardType = intval($_GET['forwardType']); $forwardId = intval($_GET['forwardId']); if ($forwardType >= 3 || $forwardType <= 0) { return; } } if ($users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, "newbie_status", false) == "1") { header("Location: " . WWW . "/account/policy-verify"); exit; } $users->CheckSSO(USER_ID); $tpl->Init(); $tpl->AddGeneric('head-init'); $tpl->AddIncludeSet('default'); $tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $tpl->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $tpl->WriteIncludeFiles(); $tpl->AddGeneric('head-bottom'); $client = new Template('page-client'); $client->SetParam('page_title', 'Client'); $client->SetParam('sso_ticket', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'auth_ticket', false)); $client->SetParam('flash_base', ''); $client->SetParam('flash_client_url', ''); $client->SetParam('hotel_status', $core->GetUsersOnline() . ' users online now!'); $client->SetParam('forwardType', $forwardType); $client->SetParam('forwardId', $forwardId); if (isset($_GET['forceTicket']) && $users->HasFuse(USER_ID, 'fuse_admin')) { $client->SetParam('sso_ticket', $_GET['forceTicket']); } $tpl->AddTemplate($client); $tpl->Output(); ?>
2.Jetzt geht ihr in den Ordner inc und öffnet die Datei class.tpl.php mit einem Texteditor, löscht alles und fügt das im Spoiler ein:
Spoiler: Code: <?php /*======================================================================= | WareCMS - Sistema avançado de Administração de CMS (Uber) | ####################################################################### | Copyright (c) 2010, Lucas Reis & Dcr-Host | ####################################################################### | Este programa é um FreeSoftware aonde você pode editar os conteúdos | com os direitos autorais do editor. | ####################################################################### | Este programa foi editado traduzido por Lucas Reis, créditos totais | para Meth0d, autor original do programa. \======================================================================*/ class uberTpl { private $outputData; private $params = Array(); private $includeFiles = Array(); public function Init() { global $core, $users; $this->SetParam('hotelName', 'Habbo'); $this->SetParam('page_title', 'Habbo Hotel:'); $this->SetParam('body_id', ''); $this->SetParam('password', 'suasenha'); $this->SetParam('database', 'suadb'); $this->SetParam('HabboID', '<b><img src="' . WWW . '/images/id.png" style="vertical-align: middle;"> ' . $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'mail') . '</b>'); $this->SetParam('vipimage', '<img src="' . WWW . '/images/vipcoin.gif" style="vertical-align: middle;">'); $this->SetParam('StaffEmail', ''); $this->SetParam('twitter', 'LukasReis'); $this->SetParam('respect1', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'respect')); $this->SetParam('id', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'id')); $this->SetParam('mail', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'mail')); $this->SetParam('last_online', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'last_online')); $this->SetParam('gender', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'gender')); $this->SetParam('activity_points', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'activity_points')); $this->SetParam('credits', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'credits')); $this->SetParam('account_created', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'account_created')); $this->SetParam('motto', $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'motto')); $this->SetParam('flash_build', 'flash_50_9'); $this->SetParam('web_build', '60_cf3b27a092308ed2f4b382d9929147fc/4'); $this->SetParam('web_build_str', '50-BUILD66 - 06.05.2010 22:28 - Novic'); $this->SetParam('req_path', WWW); $this->SetParam('www', WWW); $this->SetParam('hotel_status_fig', uberCore::GetSystemStatusString(true)); $this->SetParam('hotel_status', uberCore::GetSystemStatusString(false)); if (LOGGED_IN) { $this->SetParam('habboLoggedIn', 'true'); $this->SetParam('habboName', USER_NAME); $this->SetParam('vippoints', ' ' . $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'vip_points') . ''); $this->SetParam('vipbalance', '<b>' . $users->GetUserVar(USER_ID, 'vip_points') . ' <img src="' . WWW . '/images/vipcoin.gif" style="vertical-align: middle;"></b>'); } else { $this->SetParam('habboLoggedIn', 'false'); $this->SetParam('habboName', 'null'); } } public function AddIncludeSet($set) { switch (strtolower($set)) { case "frontpage": $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); break; case "register": $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); break; case "process-template": $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); break; case 'myhabbo': $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); break; case 'default': default: $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/javascript', '')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); $this->AddIncludeFile(new IncludeFile('text/css', '', 'stylesheet')); break; } } public function AddGeneric($tplName) { $tpl = new Template($tplName); $this->outputData .= $tpl->GetHtml(); } public function AddTemplate($tpl) { $this->outputData .= $tpl->GetHtml(); } public function SetParam($param, $value) { $this->params[$param] = is_object($value) ? $value->fetch() : $value; } public function UnsetParam($param) { unset($this->params[$param]); } public function AddIncludeFile($incFile) { $this->includeFiles[] = $incFile; } public function WriteIncludeFiles() { foreach ($this->includeFiles as $f) { $this->Write($f->GetHtml() . LB); } } public function Write($str) { $this->outputData .= $str; } public function FilterParams($str) { foreach ($this->params as $param => $value) { $str = str_ireplace('%' . $param . '%', $value, $str); } return $str; } public function Output() { global $core; $this->Write(LB . LB . '<!-- uberCMS: Took ' . (microtime(true) - $core->execStart) . ' to output this page -->' . LB . LB); echo $this->FilterParams($this->outputData); } } class Template { private $params = Array(); private $tplName = ''; public function Template($tplName) { $this->tplName = $tplName; } public function GetHtml() { global $users; extract($this->params); $file = CWD . 'inc/tpl/' . $this->tplName . '.tpl'; if (!file_exists($file)) { uberCore::SystemError('Template system error', 'Could not load template: ' . $this->tplName); } ob_start(); include($file); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $this->FilterParams($data); } public function FilterParams($str) { foreach ($this->params as $param => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { continue; } $str = str_ireplace('%' . $param . '%', $value, $str); } return $str; } public function SetParam($param, $value) { $this->params[$param] = $value; } public function UnsetParam($param) { unset($this->params[$param]); } } class IncludeFile { private $type; private $src; private $rel; private $name; public function IncludeFile($type, $src, $rel = '', $name = '') { global $tpl; $this->type = $type; $this->src = $src; $this->rel = $rel; $this->name = $name; } public function GetHtml() { switch ($this->type) { case 'application/rss+xml': return '<link rel="' . $this->rel . '" type="' . $this->type . '" title="' . $this->name . '" href="' . $this->src . '" />'; case 'text/javascript': return '<script src="' . $this->src . '" type="text/javascript"></script>'; case 'text/css': default: return '<link rel="' . $this->rel . '" href="' . $this->src . '" type="' . $this->type . '" />'; } } } ?>
3.Geht in den Ordner tpl, öffnet page-client.tpl mit einem Texteditor, löscht alles, fügt das im Spoiler ein
und fügt die IP bei IP hier einfügen und den Port bei Port hier einfügen, z.B. "" : "999.999.999.999", "" : "23", :
Spoiler: Code: <body id="client" class="flashclient"> <script type="text/javascript"> var habboDefaultClientPopupUrl = "%www%/client"; </script> <noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%www%/client/nojs" /> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> FlashExternalInterface.loginLogEnabled = true; FlashExternalInterface.logLoginStep("web.view.start"); if (top == self) { FlashHabboClient.cacheCheck(); } var flashvars = { "client.allow.cross.domain" : "1", "client.notify.cross.domain" : "0", "" : "IP hier einfügen", "" : "Port hier einfügen", "site.url" : "%www%", "url.prefix" : "%www%", "client.reload.url" : "%www%/account/reauthenticate?page=/flash_client", "client.fatal.error.url" : "%www%/flash_client_error", "client.connection.failed.url" : "%www%/client_connection_failed", "external.hash" : "", "external.variables.txt" : "", "external.texts.txt" : "", "use.sso.ticket" : "1", <?php if ($forwardType > 0) { echo ' "forward.type" : "' . $forwardType . '",' . LB; echo ' "" : "' . $forwardId . '",' . LB; } ?> "sso.ticket" : "%sso_ticket%", "processlog.enabled" : "0", "account_id" : "0", "client.starting" : "Danke, dass du eincheckst", "flash.client.url" :"", "user.hash" : "", "facebook.user" : "0", "has.identity" : "0", "flash.client.origin" : "popup" }; var params = { "base" : "", "allowScriptAccess" : "always", "menu" : "false" }; if (!(HabbletLoader.needsFlashKbWorkaround())) { params["wmode"] = "opaque"; } var clientUrl = ""; try { if (swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion().major <= 9) { clientUrl = ""; } } catch(e) {} swfobject.embedSWF(clientUrl, "flash-container", "100%", "100%", "9.0.115", "", flashvars, params); </script> <div id="overlay"></div> <div id="client-ui" > <div id="flash-wrapper"> <div id="flash-container"> <div id="content" style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; display: none"> <div class="cbb clearfix"> <h2 class="title">Please install Adobe Flash Player.</h2> <div class="box-content"> <p>You can install and download Adobe Flash Player here: <a href="">Install flash player</a>. More instructions for installation can be found here: <a href="">More information</a></p> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('content').show(); </script> <noscript> <div style="width: 400px; margin: 20px auto 0 auto; text-align: center"> <p>If you are not automatically redirected, please <a href="/client/nojs">click here</a></p> </div> </noscript> </div> </div> <div id="content" class="client-content"></div> </div> <div style="display: none"> <div id="habboCountUpdateTarget"> %hotel_status% </div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function() { HabboCounter.init(600); }, 20000); </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> RightClick.init("flash-wrapper", "flash-container"); </script> </body> </html>
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